Adoption of Quality Management In Control Of The Work Of The University Maintenance Division, (The Maintenance Division at the University Of Tikrit Case Study)

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Abdulrahman A. Ibrahim


As for maintenance important role had to be take practical measures to implement the maintenance work to ensure all the way continuing operations efficiently and prevent interruptions sudden and at the lowest possible cost, for the purpose of achieving this goal must adopt sophisticated methods guarantee us the perfect application for maintenance work and that the manner in Quality Management. In this research study the reality of the Division maintenance at the university (how the assignment of work, administrative structure, how the decision-making, documentation, …. etc.) and through theoretical study of quality management and maintenance and through field visits and interviews and look at how Division maintenance was reached a new administrative regime can be applied to achieve better performance through conversion administrative system from the Division of maintenance to the maintenance department and the distribution of tasks and the establishment of unit quality and other units new help to organize and develop the performance and was also preparing form is used to adjust the cost of the stomach and form to adjust training methods workers, have also been preparing a flowchart illustrates the stages of decision-making starts identifying the problem and ending the assessment of the resolution and corrected in case of an error.


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