Employing Quality Principles in Evaluating Research Companies According to I.S.O Requirements 9001/2000 (AL-Melad Company Case Study)
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Research companies are considered to be the pioneer in the country since it have advanced ersonal staff of high qualification. Thus it is considered as shining point in the society. Therefore, it have to be the first in applying the quality requirements. This will positively reflected on its performance.
The research aim is to evaluate the quality management for Al-Melad Company. In the present study, the current system of Al-Melad company is evaluated according to I.S.O 9001/2000 requirement. A computer program is prepared for this purpose to facilitate evaluation process depending on check lists of quality requirements and onfield existing conditions living with experts and on the information presented to the program operator through interviews, documents and registries.
The program will evaluate each element and the pivot in the system and then a total evaluation of the applied quality system. It is found that the congruence percentage with the requirements is 29.84%. This finding illustrate the need of construction quality system based on mixing the functions of the main management (planning and organizing) with I.S.O specification 9001/2000 and principles of total quality management.
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