Decision-Making for Project Delivery System in Construction Projects Based on SWARA-TOPSIS Methods
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The owner of construction projects often faces difficulty choosing the appropriate project delivery system. The construction project’s owner must choose a suitable project delivery system throughout the project's early decision-making stages. This choice greatly impacts the success of the project. This paper aims to construct a method for project delivery decisions. This method can provide a reference for the owner to select the proper project delivery system. This research described the factors affecting the decision about the project delivery method through a literature review. These factors were categorized into eight groups: scope, time, quality, cost, risk and relationships, owner organization, project characteristics, and external environmental factors. Then, a combined methodology of Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) are proposed for project delivery system selection. The SWARA is used to determine the factors’ weights. The TOPSIS technique determines the rank of the alternatives proposed for the delivery system in the various categories. The results showed the most significant factors related to the cost with a weight of 0.335, and the design-build is the closest to the ideal solution and ranked first among the other suggested project delivery systems with a relative closeness of 0.829. This paper stipulates the basis for such a process of decision-making.
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