A Systematic Review on Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) Based on Visible Light Communication for Intelligent Transportation Systems

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Seba Adnan Yosef
Lwaa Faisal Abdulameer


Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) is a cutting-edge technology that permits several users to use the same frequency resources and transfer data at once. Visible light communication also known as VLC, is an innovative technology that offers access to an unoccupied spectrum, enables fast data transmission speeds, thereby making it a complementary addition to current radio frequency technology. Although VLC has its advantages, it also comes with some downsides. One major issue is the modulation bandwidth of LEDs, which can be quite challenging when creating high speed VLC systems.  Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), particularly power-domain NOMA (PD-NOMA), has become a viable multiple access approach, ensuring sufficient bandwidth allocation for VLC systems. This study delves into multiple access techniques in VLC systems, in particular NOMA, and discusses its fundamental principles, key ideas and practical implementations like vehicular communication. It also addresses the associated hurdles, such as ensuring equitable distribution of optical power among users, leveraging MIMO technology, and grappling with LED nonlinearity issues. In summary, we underscore the significance of utilizing NOMA-VLC technology to enhance wireless communication systems and optimize spectral efficiency.


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