Identifying a Suitable Signal Processing Technique for MI EEG Data

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Ali Al-Saegh


Motor imagery (MI) electroencephalography (EEG) technology is acquiring great attention from researchers due to its remarkable real-world applications. EEG signals inherit a high degree of non-stationarity, making their analysis not modest. Hence, choosing an appropriate signal processing approach becomes crucial. This comparative paper aims to identify a suitable signal processing method among famous approaches, namely short-time Fourier transform (STFT), continuous wavelet transform (CWT), and two variations of discrete wavelet transform maximal overlap DWT (MODWT) and MODWT multiresolution analysis (MODWTMRA). Different mother wavelet basis filters experimented with wavelet methods: Morse, Amor, Bump, Symlets, Daubechies, Coiflets, and Fejér-Korovkin. The different methods were tested on the classification of the right-hand and left-hand motor imagery tasks using the brain-computer interface (BCI) competition IV 2b dataset. A shallow convolutional neural network containing a single convolution layer was first trained and then used for classification. The experimental outcomes verified that MI EEG signals can be better analyzed and recognized using the maximal overlap-based signal processing methods. The classification accuracy proved that MODWT and MODWTMRA with the Symlets wavelet outperformed the other methods.


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