Studying Some of Quality Characteristics for Rain Water in Samarra and Balad

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Ayad F. Qasim
Khalid H. Lateef
Abbas H. Abbas


A study of some of quality characteristics for the precipitation in several sites of Samarra and Balad in Iraq was achieved .The period of the study was from 7-January to 15-February /2006 which is commonly recognized with annual rains during the winter.. The wind velocity ,temperature ,and humidity during the samples collection period ranged (2-8)m/s ,(6.5-18)0C, and (51%- 97%) respectively .Chemical tests included the concentration of sulphates(SO4) ,nitrates(NO3),calcium (Ca), and pH. Also the tests investigated the possibility existence of some heavy metals which were iron (Fe),lead (Pb).and nickel(Ni). SO4 concentrations range was (100-250)mg/l while NO3 concentrations range was (60-196)mg/l. The tests proved inexistence of calcium, lead, and nickel while the Iron concentration range was (0.3-6.8)mg/l. The pH range in the samples was(5.56-6.7),Thus the rain in all sites was considered as acid rain.


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