Two Decades Comparison of Solid Waste Composition and Generation in Mosul City

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Satea M. Al-Rawe
Taha A. AL-Tayyar


Survey and sampling collections on municipal solid waste (MSW) composition and generation rate of Mosul city was conducted for more than six months with daily repetition .The results revealed the variation of solid waste components with the domination of food and organic waste. Other components as paper, glass, plastic, metal, tin can, textiles and wood were clearly shown. Also small percentages of rubber, leathern materials, trimming and others were founded also.
The percentages of different solid waste components with those dominated in the 1988 were made. The apparent differences were attributed to changes ofconsumption style and living of Iraqi families. Organic matter which constituted (68.17%) can be using to produce soil conditioners. Recycled and reused matters comprised (20.0%) could also be advantageously used. The remaining small percentages which amounted (11.83%) could be sent to landfill.
Statistical analyses were done to represent the scatter of each component about the mean value.
The daily per capita generation rate of solid waste in the city as pure residential generation amounted to (0.305 Kg/capita per day). The Gross generation of various types of solid waste was calculated as (0.61 Kg/capita per day). Some mathematical relations were used to forecast the future generation rate and composition of the city solid waste.


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