Study of the Suspended Sediment Load Effect on Efficiency of Central Tikrit Water Supply Station
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In this research the suspended sediment load effect on efficiency of central Tikrit water supply station was studied. Samples were taken from four locations include raw water, water outside from deposition and filtration basins and treated water. The study continued five months starting in December 2015 until April 2016. This study includes eleven variables (pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, residual chlorine, turbidity, total hardness, calcium, magnesium, total dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solids (TSS) and suspended sediment Concentration). Results were compared with the Iraqi standard 417 for drinking water. This study showed that the raw water and drinking water samples rising in turbidity where exceeded 516 NTU, the results appear maximum value for TDS was 780mg/L for raw water and the minimum value was 196mg/L for drinking water, whereas the maximum value for TSS was 420mg/L for raw water and zero for drinking water. The results showed that the removal efficiency of deposition basins are ranged between (22-97)%, and found that the removal efficiency of the filtration basins ranged between (5-41)%, while the total removal efficiency fall between (70-99)%.
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