SPH Open Boundary Simulation of Free-Surface Flow Over Ogee-crested Spillway
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This study was conducted to compare water surface profiles with standard ogee-crested spillways. Different methods were used, such as (experimental models, numerical models, and design nomographs for the United States Army Corps of Engineers, USACE). In accordance with the USACE specifications, three different models were constructed from rigid foam and then installed in a testing flume. The water surface profile has been recorded for these models with different design heads. For modeling the experimental model configurations, a numerical model based on the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) technique was used and is developed to simulate the water surface profile of the flow over the ogee-crested spillway. A 2D SPHysics open-source software has been used in this study, using the SPH formulation to model fluid flow, developing the SPH boundary procedure to handle open-boundary simulations, and modifying the open-source SPHysics code for this purpose. The maximum absolute difference between the measured and computed results of the water surface profile for all head ratios of (H/Hd), does not exceed 4.63% at the crest region, the numerical results for the water surface profile showed good agreement with the physical model results. The results obtained experimentally and numerically by SPH are compared with the CFD results in order to be more reassuring from the results. Additional comparisons were made using interpolated data from USACE, Waterways Experiment Station (WES), and design nomographs. The SPH technique is considered very promising and effective for free surface flow applications.
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