Rainfall-Runoff Simulation for Ungauged Watershed: A Case of Bessre Watershed, Duhok Province, Iraq

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Hindreen Mohammed Nazif


The scarcity of measured hydrological data poses a challenge in many developing countries, stemming from insufficiently established gauging stations. Due to the mentioned issue, it is crucial to develop models capable of conducting reliable simulations of runoff behavior, particularly for ungauged catchments. Understanding the intricate relationships in rainfall-runoff modeling is essential for estimating peak flows, a critical aspect in formulating water resources management strategies, which can aid in water resource management and planning. In areas prone to floods performing, an extensive hydrological study becomes necessary. This study determined the outflow discharge at the outlet point of the Bessre Valley Ungauged Catchment (41.4 km2) using the Watershed Modeling System, used by reliable hydrological standards as a graphical interface integrating with the Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS). Bessre Valley watershed is one of the flood-prone watersheds in the Duhok governorate, mainly due to the terrain’s steep slopes at the upper north and east of the catchment. The catchment was delineated by a Geographic Information System (GIS). Its properties were extracted from a 12.5 m × 12.5 m Digital Elevation Model (DEM), which evaluates the hydrological response of a watershed to two significant storm events: a real rainfall event in March 2020 and a hypothetical 100-year return period event by dividing the watershed into ten sub-basins. Achieving a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency of 0.895 indicates a high accuracy between observed and simulated peak flows of the real rainfall event of March 2020, underscoring the model's reliability for hydrological predictions. Also, comparing the HEC-HMS model and the Rational Method of (100 YRP event) for calculating peak discharges revealed a mere 2.2% error. Furthermore, the study explores the potential for building additional dams based on discharge volumes from specific sub-basins to enhance flood control and water storage capabilities.


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