Fatigue Life Estimation under High Temperature and Variable Loading of AA7001-T6 Using Shot Peening

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Asaad Khudhair Hamzah
Raad M. Abed
Abdulwahab M. AL-Mushehdany
Hussain Jasim M. Alalkawi


In this study, the fatigue life of aluminum alloys (7001-T6) was predicted with shot peening at various temperatures. Surface treatment with shot peening steel balls is a mechanism for reducing damage. An experimental investigation was conducted to find the degree of fatigue accumulation for AA7001-T6 under rotational bending loading and stress ratio R = −1. The experiments were conducted at RT (25 ℃), 330 ℃, and SP + 330 ℃ temperatures. A modified damage stress model that considers damage at various load levels was recommended for forecasting the fatigue life under high temperatures. The model and experimental results were compared to determine the most damage (Miner’s rule). The experimental results of the fatigue life indicated that the increased testing temperature reduced the fatigue life. However, using shot peening at high temperatures increased the fatigue life by 8% when loading sequence L-H and 10% when loading sequence H-L. The results showed a satisfactory degree of safety for the present model. Nevertheless, Miner’s model featured two models: one for low–high loading and high-low loading. The results were proper for prolonging fatigue life.


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